Apr 27, 2023

Poem by JoyAnne O’Donnell


Spring awakens the spring sky of hope
A new year of greater joy
Flowers start to carry a journey to hope
For better days
Lilacs I saw just popped out in my
Mothers beautiful garden
I enjoy them
Especially the scent
Makes me feel better
The color I love
Reminds me of love
When flowers help you
Sometimes when you’re sick
They come make your day
Feel warm in a way
I thank them on the phone
Grace comes when you pray
For a good day.

Apr 4, 2023

Poem by Mark Young

after the painting by René Magritte

Up here in the mountains
it is an everyday thing
to come across vestiges of
earlier climbers &/or the oc-
casional earlier painting.
They may present as tracks
in the earth or discarded
equipment. Sometimes as
ghosts or holograms. Stare
at the latter for long enough
& they sometimes become
embarrassed, begin to speak.
In a thin voice that still
sparks echoes, this one says:
"I was once the star of The
Age of Enlightenment.
the world has forgotten
me. Am I not still beautiful?"

Poems by Norman Jope

AN ELYSIAN GLOW Following her through shady pines on a summer’s day, as if in the hope of a sudden trackless miracle, the young man trips an...