after Sonny Rollins
a kiss
on your novocaine mouth
little abrupt blocks
wander on the changes
trees from branches –
these tender senses –
it’s apparent The Hawk
surprised the speaker:
a breakdown
with transparent tone
crackle of a naked flame’s
opaque swaggeroso
I got rhythm
with a Honeysuckle
extras echo from before
could you feel a thing
i fight last
night in the
dream fight
the writing
by writing
a poem i forget
this morning
i apologize to
the morning
i reach for
the writing
in the dream
i remember:
(eyes water
what they
inhale, sneeze
a hem-fresh batch
of rococo confetti:
s o u r chasm)
in the mouth
of the beast
i sleep with
Dream Queen
on the platter
soft hugs
for a delicate
still smells
like yesterday’s
Argotist Online Poetry is the successor to the poetry section of the now no longer existing The Argotist Online. Send submissions to Next submission period is October 2024 to August 2025
Poem by Keith Nunes
THE FLOURISH AND THE FALL Lying down to Take it front-on Look-see What the hell is Coming this way, Catch a sharded reflection In the corner...
THE STUDIO The vista which then opened was one I never could’ve anticipated in the Nineties—the PAFA campus was set as a series of jeweled b...
EQUATIONS #25 When I converse with N on the phone, in about my thirteenth year, our heads open up together, and we create an imaginative lan...
EQUATIONS #26 Audrey, as a tangent to N, took the idea, not of broadcasting gossip but of sharing and disseminating literature, as a fait ac...