All the white weeds near the cornices
Amount to a blancmange
Of scenic infancy across from shapes
And sides and seeds
The thought of kindness withers
As we watch the icing tease
Contrast from severance
Until a melody comes true
We vocalize to school
The precipice of tactile peach print
Overtones along the straightedged
Path the eye takes in
Absorbing fact and tacit wide
Just keep lying still discover morning sleep
Recover patchwork of erosion
That keeps revolving the inner door
Spinning sacredness spawning light to center
The canary within fictitious mine
Who needs syllables when mind
Repeats its calling and contains
The utmost kiss of sleep again
Is there sufficient space between heartbeats
How do they glow how know
Least sum of some of squares
Are strained to match magnetic wit
And pulse to shepherd steep
Argotist Online Poetry is the successor to the poetry section of the now no longer existing The Argotist Online. Send submissions to Next submission period is October 2024 to August 2025
Poem by Keith Nunes
THE FLOURISH AND THE FALL Lying down to Take it front-on Look-see What the hell is Coming this way, Catch a sharded reflection In the corner...
THE STUDIO The vista which then opened was one I never could’ve anticipated in the Nineties—the PAFA campus was set as a series of jeweled b...
EQUATIONS #25 When I converse with N on the phone, in about my thirteenth year, our heads open up together, and we create an imaginative lan...
EQUATIONS #26 Audrey, as a tangent to N, took the idea, not of broadcasting gossip but of sharing and disseminating literature, as a fait ac...