Will We Remember
…how when seeking some kind of confirmation,
Annoyances that disrupted the newscycle like gnats
That might’ve have come in with us to escape the
Coldening October air, whirling like electrons reminded
Us how the universe really started just above the skin
Of the upholstered armchair, revealing its metaphor
Where the cosmos was a body and x-rays from far
Quasars showed how continuous we were with
Streaks that scratched the atmosphere as with
A slough of late-stage insects on Blue PLanet
Pronouncing enchilada enchilada to the moon?
Will We Remember
…how often so many things never fit together,
How they were required to be patched, painted,
How frequently they peeled and the patches often
Not of the same material, so a screw had to be added
Or perhaps Gorilla Glue, and how nicks were forever
Unfinished, wood showing, how splinters, how a bed-
Knob was missing, and no one knew where it was,
And how the side porch settled and the screen doors
Squeaked since who-remembered-when and then
Never close properly, how bathroom calk, how old
Porcelain, how the pattern once clipped into octagons
Had gaps, how often we, too, were described that way–
A structure leaning slightly, ever more dependent
On loosening parts on a side hill in Henrietta,
New York?
Will We Remember
…how at one time or another we had hoped to make
The cosmos more homey, buckthorn removed like
Planets on their wires, beauty’s lush vocabulary hushed
By distance’s invisible glove whose finger dragged
The night rivers through Upstate New York in such
A local universe we hoped the sky might be encouraged
To finally make up its mind to rain or snow or shine and
Be done with it and the moon might give up its cul de sac
Neighborhood and becoming the great lake it so
Longed to be?
Argotist Online Poetry is the successor to the poetry section of the now no longer existing The Argotist Online. Send submissions to argotistonline@gmail.com. Next submission period is October 2024 to August 2025
Poem by Keith Nunes
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