Jul 11, 2023

Poems by Keith Nunes


Collections of
Gross domestic products
Concrete slabs, blocks of mass
The urge to purge
Grass clods
Flitters - flutters
Wombs & wounds
Reforms & reformatories
Seasonal shunts
Ellipsis where the dead stood
Land trod
Eyes & ears & what is said and
What is not,
A Grand Alliance of 2, of 20, of 200,
Hands holding, fingers pointing
Beasts & burdens
Clusters, accumulations
Snows, Sands, the Salty
A bunch of, and
Pretty much a mess
A mass
Collated, arranged
In overlapping, arbitrary order,
To the limit.


Of spirit
               Stood still
               Eyes shut
Waiting for
Toast to clunk
Parchment biscuity
Noonish moon sliced in half,
Frosted morning breaks
Away in glacial transit
Pig-like trotters
Run the road
Aside the sea,
Fraudulent glitter of
Bay’s water
Swim on top
Not to go under #


In certain circles                they call me rude
In certain circles                a tight-sphincter prude

In certain circles I’m square 
So a nuisance nonagon 
Bent threat to the cycle,

In certain circles I’m a rock or
A baring-weight brick
Thrown thru a see-all portal,

In certain circles I do the rounds
Circulate counter-clockwise
                                               Leave the circle on a tilt
                                               Spinning out 
                                               Of control 

Poem by Keith Nunes

THE FLOURISH AND THE FALL Lying down to Take it front-on Look-see What the hell is Coming this way, Catch a sharded reflection In the corner...