Drums whisper thrumming alongside the act of ascent
withering away a way with words a few marbles
gripped between fingers still gesture to the thought of
umbilical cord near psaltery. How does orchestral say-so
thin as gruel nourish banter approaching say-so with weeds
silvery as shrill the whistling subverts real melody
that splices ready dialogue fresh with restitution beneath
the umbrella laden with corn silk wheeled in to cover
instant gravitas. Believe me faith sequences thought just as priests
give in to referenda an ounce away from sadness, a brave situation
of comedic fracture you may know for all the wheels. Fraught
with Rembrandt's grief brushed this way to braid the situation comedy
with flailing forecast remembered. I lay me down amid melodic structure
and sentiment fibrous with next things flung toward feeder cities splayed
with possibility. Listen to the frayed indifference splayed
near the focus, the deeds, the washed claustrophobia enclosed
by cement within a spliced vault close with seeds as the bathing
roust entwined with magnificat soldered to fry the litmus
given to grief and shouldered one too many seeds melted
on the tongue fixed in space beyond arpeggiated whim sprints
beyond sonority that lifts into the canyon mercying forth.
Autumn names its reeds slim kin weathered
everlast. The time comes when combs lose
reputation everyone looks away,
defrays comeuppance center folded into
minced notes. Why not charitably denude
first thought blistery thought, its silence,
and learn to sing, learn repair soft silo
mercantile feeding like rainbow trout
the mood of elbows captures clouds
recovering from a surfeit of woodwind mist.
The charm baked clam festooned with libel
you could love or list or lease the wristband
headed for grief eventually near the snow.
The olives not far away, listen to search engines
tossing probability into the mussed snow of Ann Arbor,
beyond most willow motivations cloaked in low-
hanging branch work and moving
with slow deliberate ballet like seams,
little prodigies part of a loved community
with fur and other natural protections buffeting wind
when it accidentally comes in clear as a radio.
This blog was the successor to the poetry section of the now no longer existing The Argotist Online. This blog is also no longer active, and is now just an archive.
Poem by Stephen Bett
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